"Newborn" - Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada


To see more images shot during my recent expedition in polar bear country and funny behind the scene shots
have a look at my IG stories archive

Sometimes times of serious distress can have great social outcomes. 
While the coronavirus pandemic demands physical distancing from one another, it is bringing people, families, neighbourhoods, provinces, and nations worldwide closer than ever before in an unprecedented global scale mobilization. 

In every tragedy lies opportunity. Nobody would ever have imagined it possible to stop our economies. But here we are in almost a global lockdown.
Now it is time to reflect and learn.

In our self-isolation it’s time to re-discover the simple joys of life, like looking at the stars, feeling the wind on our skin, listening to nature and, most importantly, realizing that humans can’t be healthy in an unhealthy ecosystem. 

We now know that humankind is able to act in unison for the global well-being.
Let’s hope that after CoVid-19 we will focus on relaunching our economies in a more sustainable way, addressing poverty, hunger, pollution and climate change as the foundations of a healthy future.